
Earlier this year I discovered that there are endless numbers of people with brain injuries who post on Instagram about their recovery. It serves a couple of main purposes: educating those around them about brain injuries and what they are going through & connecting with other TBIers who are going through something similar. Many times someone posts something, and I think wow that explains exactly what I could not seem to put into words.

Recently a post by @brainstormforbraininjury really spoke to me, especially the part in bold about what is difficult after injury:

“Here’s the thing when you look at someone who just can’t seem to get it together or that life is constantly a struggle, that’s not a typical life. Sure, people can make bad choices that have far-reaching consequences, but most people don’t choose that over and over. If you see someone who just barely keeps their head above water, there may be something going on like a brain injury. Most of the time there is no tell-tale sign that someone lives with a brain injury, but it will complicate their lives in every way.

Planning, organizing, remembering, getting started, following through, speaking, relating, coordinating, sleeping, regulating, anticipating, these are all things that a healthy brain does automatically. For the brain injured, all of these things are harder. It can make every aspect of life impossible.

“Its not laziness, rudeness, obstinacy, or anything else so next time you see someone on thise type of journey, offer a hand up. Help out. Offer words of encouragement. Be patient. Advocate. Donate money to a brain injury cause and definitely protect your head.”

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